The workshop will focus on several aspects of quantum
integrable models. Topics will include Calogero-Ruijsenaars
models; hypergeometric identities on symmetric functions
and integral identities with elliptic functions that emerge in
the theory of integrable models; Gelfand–Tsetlin bases
constructions. The aim of the workshop is to bring together
colleagues and students from the Moscow department of
HSE and PDMI in order to discuss recent results and share
new ideas. All talks will be in Russian.
Timetable of the talks:
(room 106)
10:00–12:00 Ruijsenaars systems: discovery, classical and quantum results
(N. Belousov - PDMI and HSE)
(N. Belousov - PDMI and HSE)
13:00–15:00 Baxter Q-operators in Ruijsenaars system
(S. Khoroshkin - HSE)
(S. Khoroshkin - HSE)
10:00–11:30 Hypergeometric identities in Ruijsenaars systems
(L. Cherepanov - HSE)
(L. Cherepanov - HSE)
12:00–13:30 Bispectral symmetries of Ruijsenaars wave functions
(N. Belousov - PDMI and HSE)
(N. Belousov - PDMI and HSE)
14:00–15:30 Lax matrices in Ruijsenaars systems
(A. Zotov - HSE)
10:00–12:00 The problem of convergence of infinite elliptic hypergeometric
(D. Krotkov, V. Spiridonov - JINR and HSE)
(D. Krotkov, V. Spiridonov - JINR and HSE)
13:00–15:00 Orthogonality and completeness of Ruijsenaars wave functions
(S. Derkachov - PDMI and HSE)
(S. Derkachov - PDMI and HSE)
10:00–12:00 Rarefied elliptic and hyperbolic gamma functions
(G. Sarkissian - JINR)
(G. Sarkissian - JINR)
13:00–15:00 Gelfand-Zeitlin formulas and Whittaker vectors for orthogonal groups
(A. Galiullin - HSE, M. Lyachko - HSE)
(A. Galiullin - HSE, M. Lyachko - HSE)
The workshop is supported by the Euler International Mathematical Institute, grant No. 075–15–2022–289.

Registration for this event is currently open.