11-16 December 2023
St. Petersburg University, MCS faculty
Europe/Moscow timezone

Seiberg-Witten equations and pseudoholomorphic curves

11 Dec 2023, 10:00
St. Petersburg University, MCS faculty

St. Petersburg University, MCS faculty

Russia, 199178, St. Petersburg, 14 line V.O., 29B, https://math-cs.spbu.ru/en/ Rooms 201, 217b ZOOM streaming at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/675315555?pwd=aEVYbHZWL2F0aE9PUXVYUjB4a21ydz09


Armen Sergeev (Steklov Institute RAS)


Seiberg--Witten equations (SW-equations for short) were proposed in order to produce a new kind of invariant for smooth 4-dimensional manifolds. These equations, opposite to the conformally invariant Yang--Mills equations, are not invariant under scale transformations. So to draw a useful information from these equations one should plug the scale parameter $\lambda$ into them and take the limit $\lambda\to\infty$.

If we consider such limit in the case of 4-dimensional symplectic manifolds solutions of SW-equations will concentrate in a neighborhood of some pseudoholomorphic curve (more precisely, pseudoholomorphic divisor) while SW-equations reduce to some vortex equations in normal planes of the curve. The vortex equations are in fact static Ginzburg--Landau equations known in the superconductivity theory. So solutions of the limiting adiabatic SW-equations are given by families of vortices in the complex plane parameterized by the point z running along the limiting pseudoholomorphic curve. This parameter plays the role of complex time while the adiabatic SW-equations coincide with a nonlinear $\bar\partial$-equation with respect to this parameter.

Primary author

Armen Sergeev (Steklov Institute RAS)

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