11-16 December 2023
St. Petersburg University, MCS faculty
Europe/Moscow timezone

Example of a non-covariant channel constructed using the unitary irreducible representation of a finite group, for which classical capacity is calculated

15 Dec 2023, 16:45
217б (MCS)




Lev Ryskin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)


Recently, classical capacity of quantum channels generated by projective unitary irreducible representations of finite group was calculated for some strong limitations of the group structure, on the representation $U_g$, on the probability distribution $\pi_g$, on the finite group $G$ and finally that the obtained channel $\Phi_G$ has to be covariant with respect
to representation $U_g$.

The channel $\Phi_G$ is not always covariant regarding to representation $U_g$ when the group $G$ is not abelian --
it depends on $\pi_g$. But, fortunately, the limitation of covariance of the quantum channel $\Phi_G$ can be omitted if other conditions are preserved.
In addition, the real example of such non covariant quantum channel will be given on the group $S_4\times S_3$.

Primary author

Lev Ryskin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

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