23-25 August 2021
Europe/Moscow timezone


New Perspectives in Asymptotic Representation Theory

In memory of Sergei Kerov (1946-2000)

August 23 – 25, 2021

The goal of the conference is to illustrate new directions in asymptotic representation theory which have recently become popular (among them: new methods in the theory of central measures, measurable partitions, new classes of groups and their actions and representations, continuous graphs, etc.), as well as to draw attention to some papers by Sergei Kerov which still play a very important role in modern progress.

List of speakers

V. Evtushevsky (SPbU and PDMI)
V. Kaimanovich (U Ottawa)
A. Knizel (U Chicago)
G. Koshevoy (CEMI RAS)
A. Nazarov (SPbU)
Yu. Neretin (U Vienna)
A. Malyutin (PDMI)
I. Pak (UCLA)
F. Petrov (SPbU and PDMI)
L. Petrov (U Virginia)
N. Reshetikhin (Berkeley and SPbU)
N. Tsilevich (PDMI)
A. M. Vershik (PDMI and SPbU)


Program Committee

Grigori Olshanski • IITP RAS and Skoltech and HSE
Fedor Petrov • PDMI RAS and SPbU
Natalia Tsilevich • PDMI RAS
Anatoly Vershik (chair) • PDMI RAS and SPbU and IITP RAS

Organizing Committee

Andrei Malyutin • PDMI RAS and SPbU
Pavel Nikitin • PDMI RAS and SPbU
Fedor Petrov (chair) • PDMI RAS and SPbU
Nadia Zalesskaya • EIMI
Pavel Zatitskii • PDMI RAS and SPbU

Local institutions participating in the organization of the event

Registration for this event is currently open.