[CANCELLED] Introductory school “New Methods in Enumerative Geometry”

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in Saint Petersburg

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Pesochnaya nab. 10, 197022, Russia

The school is cancelled

Introductory school “New Methods in Enumerative Geometry”

April 25 – April 29, 2022

This is one of the two introductory schools of the EIMI thematic program “New Trends in Topology” to be held in St. Petersburg in 2022. The aim of this school is to introduce young researchers to several important topics in Enumerative Geometry. Senior researchers interested in learning these topics are also welcome.

The school will consist of 3 courses of 4 two-hours lectures each. The lecture courses are:

  • Refined Enumerative Geometry, Eugenii Shustin (Tel Aviv University)
  • Relative Quantum Cohomology, Jake Solomon (Jerusalem University)
  • Gromov-Witten Invariants of Complete Intersections, Dimitri Zvonkine (CNRS, Versailles)

The courses will be devoted to presentation of the background of various techniques used in enumerative geometry and to illustration of these techniques with concrete applications. 


  • Ilia Itenberg, Sorbonne University
  • Viatcheslav Kharlamov, Université de Strasbourg

Institutions participating in the organization of the event:

The event is supported by a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation, agreements 075-15-2019-1619 and 075-15-2019-1620, and by a grant from Simons Foundation.

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