Seminar "Geometry and Combinatorics"

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  • Gaiane Panina
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Seminar "Geometry and Combinatorics"

G. Yu. Panina

Семинар "Геометрия и комбинаторика" возобновляет свою работу. Наша локальная цель -- выучить необходимые пререквизиты
и перейти к исследовательским задачам о честном делении и делении без зависти.

The first meeting at Fall 2024 will be held at November 19, 11-15, room 120, MCS, 14 line.

This is a research seminar focusing unrestrictedly on different subjects of modern combinatorial geometry. We are interested in: Tverberg-type theorems, local combinatorial formulas for characteristic classes, moduli spaces and Teichmueller spaces, universality theorems, combinatorial rigidity, etc.

If you want to (un)subscribe to announcements or give a talk, please contact Gaiane Panina at

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