Mini-workshop on Algebraic Geometry

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in St. Petersburg

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Pesochnaya nab. 10, 197022, Russia

Mini-workshop on Algebraic Geometry

May 26 - 28, 2023

This workshop is devoted to the applications of algebraic geometry in different parts of mathematics. The topics of the talks of the participants include non-commutative and birational geometry, theory of motives, quantum information and representation theory of quantum groups, singularity theory. Main idea of the workshop is to bring together colleagues (both senior and younger ones) from MIPT and SPb in order to discuss and share their results in light and lesser formal enviroment. All talks will be in Russian.


  • Alexey Bondal • MI RAS and MIPT
  • Andrey Mudrov • MIPT
  • Alexandra Sonina • PDMI RAS
  • Viktor Petrov • SPbSU and PDMI RAS
  • Vsevolod Sakbaev • Keldysh Institute
  • Nikita Monchenko • MIPT
  • Daniil Serebrennikov • MIPT
  • Mikhail Bondarko • St. Petersburg State University

Organizing Committee

  • Olga Postnova • EIMI
  • Ilya Karzhemanov • MIPT
  • Ilya Zhdanovskiy • MIPT

Institutions participating in the organization of the event

The mini-workshop is financially supported by a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation, agreements 075-15-2019-1619 and 075-15-2019-1620 and by a grant from Simons Foundation.

  • Andrew Kuzovchikov
  • Andrey Shavrin
  • Anton Selemenchuk
  • Christopher Brav
  • Daniil Serebrennikov
  • David Kumallagov
  • Dmitry Kudryakov
  • Ekaterina Turilova
  • Ilya Karzhemanov
  • Ilya Zhdanovskiy
  • Konstantin Loginov
  • Mikhail Bondarko
  • Mikhail Markov
  • Nikolai Vavilov
  • Nikolay Borozenets
  • Olga Postnova
  • Roman Eliseev
  • Viacheslav Krivorol
  • Viktor Petrov
  • Vladimir Polyakov
  • Vladimir Stukopin
  • Vsevolod Sakbaev
  • Алексей Игоревич Бондал
  • Алексей Львов
  • Артем Алешин
  • Аскар Уразбаев
  • Георгий Шульга
  • Даниил Кузаков
  • Никита Монченко