School-conference in analysis in Sirius

Sochi, Sirius Math Centre

Sochi, Sirius Math Centre

Sochi, Sirius, Alpha Sirius (former Imeretinskiy hotel), Morskoy boulevard, 1 Yandex maps link: Google maps link: ZOOM streaming at:

‎L. Euler Institute School in Analysis in Sirius

October 13 – October 17, 2023

L. Euler Institute (EIMI SPbU) presents an advanced school for young researchers featuring five minicourses in modern analysis, such as wavelets, discrete and continuous duality with respect to Dirac and Schrödinger operators, singular integral operators, Padé approximations, orthogonal polynomials. The target audience includes graduate, master and senior bachelor students of any mathematical specialty.

The lecture notes and exercises are below on this page

The program is here.

ZOOM streaming is here.



Maria Skopina
Saint Petersburg university

Mark Malamud
Peoples' Friendship university

Roman Bessonov
Saint Petersburg university

Dmitry Stolyarov
Saint Petersburg university

Aleksandr Komlov
Institute of mathematics, RAS


Wavelets (Maria Skopina)

The word "wavelet" appeared about thirty  years ago. At that time a new topic of analysis  arose due to the desire  to study bases and other representation systems consisting of dilations and translations of one or several functions. An interest in these investigations was connected with an engineering aspect (that is not typical for the end of XX-th century), because such systems  are in great demand in  their applications to signal and image processing. Wavelet analysis was formed in the late 1980s -- early 1990s in the works of Y. Meyer, S. Mallat, P.J. Lemarier, I. Daubechies, A. Cohen, W. Lawton and others. A general method for constructing wavelet systems, based on the notion of multiresolution analysis, was developed by Y. Meyer and S. Mallat. One of the main goals was construction of compactly supported smooth wavelets. This problem was solved due to I. Daubechies. Later the wavelet theory was extended in different directions, in particular,  wavelet frames, multivariate wavelets with matrix dilations, wavelet on the groups and other structures were actively studied up to now.


Lecture 1: TBA

Lecture 2: TBA

Lecture 3: TBA

Lecture 4: TBA

To the spectral theory of 1-D Schrödinger and Dirac operators with point interactions and quantum graphs (Mark Malamud)


The lectures will be devoted to the duality of certain spectral properties of the operators mentioned above and their discrete  counterparts . Among others we will discuss self-adjointness, semiboundedness, discreteness and absolutely continuous properties,  compactness and finiteness of negative parts of these operators, etc.


Lecture 1: TBA

Lecture 2: TBA

Lecture 3: TBA

Entropy function in the theory of orthogonal polynomials (Roman Bessonov)


This minicourse is devoted to recent results in the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. They were obtained via a new method based on the usage of an entropy function of the underlying orthogonality measure. The main goal of the course is to present a detailed description of this method and discuss related open problems. The basics of the theory of orthogonal polynomials will be given along the way.


Lecture 1: TBA

Lecture 2: TBA

Lecture 3: TBA

Estimates of differential operators in L^1 and related questions (Dmitriy Stolyarov)

In 1938 S.L. Sobolev proved his famous embedding theorem: the Sobolev space W_p^1 embeds continuously into the L^q space, provided 1/p - 1/q = 1/d, d being the dimension of the underlying space, and p > 1. This result was extended to the case p=1 twenty years later by E. Gagliardo and L. Nirenberg. In early 2000's J. Bourgain and H. Brezis observed that there exist similar estimates, which are relatively easy to obtain for p > 1, but are much more involved (if they are even valid) for p = 1. One of the key aspects in these matters is attributed to the vectorial nature of the differential operators in question (as, for instance, the fact that the gradient is a vector function, and not a scalar one). Nowadays, there is a certain change of perspective regarding these topics: such inequalities are believed to be interesting not only in a hermetic sense -- as a challenge to one's analytical prowess, -- but also as a way to establish deep connections to the geometric measure theory. We will describe the (by now) classical Bourgain--Brezis theory, highlight the aforementioned geometric connections, and explain how simple tricks from harmonic analysis help in this business.

Lecture 1: TBA

Lecture 2: TBA

Lecture 3: TBA

Padé approximations, their generalizations and related problems (Aleksandr Komlov)


Padé approximants are the best rational approximations of a given power series. We show that Padé approximants are closely related to orthogonal polynomials. This mini-course will cover the basics of the classical Stahl theory of convergence of Padé approximants of multivalued analytic functions. To do this, we will touch on the potential theory on the complex plane and Riemann sphere. We also consider such generalizations of Padé polynomials as Hermite-Padé polynomials of types I and II. For them, there is no general convergence theory analogous to the Stahl theory. We discuss the cases in which it is possible to describe their asymptotic behavior, how to use them for asymptotic recovery of the values of multivalued analytic functions, and formulate new problems arising here.


Lecture 1: TBA

Lecture 2: TBA

Lecture 3: TBA

Lecture 4: TBA

Institutions participating in the organization of the event:

Registration form for L. Eluler Sirius school 2023 online participation
  • Batenev Timur
  • Borovikov Mikhail
  • Dobronravov Egor
  • Dobronravov Nikita
  • Fayzullaev Otabek
  • Getta Daniil
  • Gorbunov Leonid
  • Islamov Igor
  • Kirill Matirko
  • Kologrivova Sofia
  • Kumar Vikash
  • Kuzhaev Arsen
  • Maxim Gritskov
  • Mozolyako Pavel
  • Myslyaeva Diana
  • Oleinik Roman
  • Pavel Akacevich
  • Ramis Khasyanov
  • Salimova Anna
  • Semenov Andrei
  • Skvortsov Artem
  • Sulimov Tim
  • Vasiliev Dima
  • Дмитренко Андрей
  • Егоров Вячеслав
  • Илья Заволокин
  • Курганская Анастасия
  • Максим Русских
  • Юдин Глеб