Introduction to B-theory

B-Theory: Lecture & Eastern seminar 2


Introduction to introduction to B-theory 2

    1. Reminder of HTQM and its 3 examples. Local observables in HTQM.
    2. Lagrangian interpretation of  examples of HTQM, discussion about Plank constant
    3. Cohomology of example 3 and equations of motion for free fields
    4. HTQM and contraction of acyclic complex
    5. Deformations of QM and HTQM, Schwinger times and Witten’s descent in dimension 1
    6. Deformations of cohomology, HTQM and IR divergences
    7. Contact terms, obstructions and  IR divergences
Organized by

Andrey Losev

Andrey Losev