Indian-Russian Conference “Polynomial Rings and Group Actions”

201 (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of St Petersburg University)


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of St Petersburg University

29 Line 14th (Vasilyevsky Island), 199178 Saint Petersburg, Russia

Indian-Russian Conference “Polynomial Rings and Group Actions”

May 27 - Jun 1, 2024

In this conference we will take up some basic fundamental problems related to polynomial rings including the Zariski Cancellation Problem, Abhyankar-Sathaye Conjecture or the Embedding Problem, Linearization Problem, Characterisation Problem and the Affine Fibration Problem. We shall discuss relations among these problems and how certain group actions have led to some partial developments in this regard. Among other topics we note invariants and constructions of simple algebraic groups, including Tits and Rost invariants and connections to Morava K- theories, the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture in mixed characteristic, and principle bundles over relative projective line.

We shall have invited lectures by distinguished people who can enlighten us on these problems by their research work and also promote young researchers by giving them an opportunity to speak and interact with experts.

List of speakers 

  • Ivan Arzhantsev (HSE, Russia)
  • Roman Avdeev (HSE, Russia)   
  • Prosenjit Das (IIST, India)
  • Nikhilesh Dasgupta (GITAM, India)  
  • Amartya Kumar Dutta (ISI, K, India)    
  • Sergey Gaifullin (MSU/HSE, Russia)
  • Parnashree Ghosh (ISI, K, India)
  • Neena Gupta (ISI, K, India)
  • Animesh Lahiri (GITAM, India)
  • Swapnil Lokhande (IIITG, India)
  • Ananya Pal (ISI, K, India)
  • Ivan Panin (PDMI, Russia)
  • Alexander Perepechko (IITP/HSE, Russia)
  • Victor Petrov (SPbU, Russia)
  • Sourav Sen (TIFR, India)
  • Anton Shafarevich (MSU/HSE, Russia)
  • Anastasia Stavrova (SPbU, Russia)
  • Yulia Zaitseva (HSE, Russia)

Organizing Committee

  • Ivan Arzhantsev (HSE, Russia)
  • Amartya Kumar Dutta (ISI, K, India)
  • Neena Gupta (ISI, K, India)
  • Ivan Panin (PDMI, Russia)

Institutions participating in the organization of the event

The conference is financially supported by a grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, agreement 075-15-2022-287.

  • Alexander Perepechko
  • Ananya Pal
  • Anastasia Stavrova
  • Anton Shafarevich
  • Anton Trushin
  • Ivan Arzhantsev
  • Neena Gupta
  • Nikhilesh Dasgupta
  • Prosenjit Das
  • Roman Avdeev
  • Roman Lubkov
  • Sergey Gaifullin
  • Swapnil Lokhande
  • Victor Krym
  • Viktor Petrov
  • Vladislav Litvinov
  • Yulia Zaitseva
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