25-30 November 2024
Saint-Petersburg University
Europe/Moscow timezone

Uniqueness theorems for holomorphic functions in the unit disk and completeness of various systems of functions

28 Nov 2024, 12:55
Saint-Petersburg University

Saint-Petersburg University

Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Saint-Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, 14 line V.O., 29B Yandex maps link: https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CDw2mFl9 Google maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/L1Nrzf81wahREKop6 ZOOM streaming at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/675315555


Bulat Khabibullin (Institute of Mathematics with Computing Centre of RAS, Ufa)


We present new uniqueness theorems for holomorphic functions in the unit disk with given subharmonic majorants for the logarithms of the modules of these holomorphic functions. The results are formulated in terms of zero distributions of these holomorphic functions and Riesz mass distributions of these subharmonic majorants.
They take into account the distributions of zeros and masses both by radius and by argument. We also present applications of these uniqueness theorems to questions of completeness of various systems of holomorphic functions in weight spaces of holomorphic functions. The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 24-21-00002.

Primary author

Bulat Khabibullin (Institute of Mathematics with Computing Centre of RAS, Ufa)

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