25-30 November 2024
Saint-Petersburg University
Europe/Moscow timezone

Hyperbolic Fourier series and the Klein--Gordon equation

28 Nov 2024, 17:00
Saint-Petersburg University

Saint-Petersburg University

Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Saint-Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, 14 line V.O., 29B Yandex maps link: https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CDw2mFl9 Google maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/L1Nrzf81wahREKop6 ZOOM streaming at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/675315555


Haakan Hedenmalm (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, and Saint Petersburg State University)


The Klein--Gordon equation in 1+1 dimensions is one of the truly basic second order PDEs with constant coefficients.
It models the time evolution of a one-dimensional relativistic boson with spin 0. Since it is relativisitic, the temporal relation between points is felt, and a given pair of points is either time-like or space-like. If the pair of points is space-like, we cannot say that one or the other event happens before or after the other.
If we study a space-like cone, and place equidistributed points on the edges, do we get a uniqueness set for Klein--Gordon solutions?
The answer turns out to depend on the density of points, and the shape of the solution.

As a consequence, we are led to study hyperbolic Fourier series, a topic which is natural but is a recent discovery only. The first installment is a paper with A. Montes-Rodriguez (Annals of Mathematics, 2011). The second only exists as
a 2024 preprint, but it builds on insights in the work of Radchenko and Viazovska (2019).

Primary author

Haakan Hedenmalm (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, and Saint Petersburg State University)

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