20-22 May 2021
Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Participant List

21 participants

Mini-workshop on Algebraic Geometry participants

Surname Given Name (-Es) Affiliation
Ananyevskiy Alexey PDMI RAS
Degtyarev Denis MIPT
Grishin Stanislav MIPT
Guminov Sergey Higher School of Economics
Karzhemanov Ilya Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Konovalov Grigorii MIPT and Skoltech
Kvitko Ksenia MIPT
Lavrenov Andrei SPbU
Loginov Konstantin MI RAS and MIPT 117312
Medvedeva Ekaterina SPbPU
Monchenko Nikita Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
Nordskova Anna Saint Petersburg State University
Proncheva Olga MIPT
Rachenkov Dmitrii Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Sonina Alexandra SPbU
Zhdanovskiy Ilya MIPT
Zheglov Alexander Moscow State University
Zolotarev Egor Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Chebyshev Laboratory
Бондал Алексей Мат. Инст. им. В.А. Стеклова, МФТИ
Степанов Дмитрий Анатольевич Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology