[CANCELLED] Conference “On the Crossroad of Topology and Enumerative Geometry”

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in Saint Petersburg

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute in Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Pesochnaya nab. 10, 197022, Russia

The conference is cancelled

“On the Crossroad of Topology and Enumerative Geometry”

June 13 – June 17, 2022

The conference “On the Crossroad of Topology and Enumerative Geometry” is a part of the thematic program “New Trends in Topology” organized by EIMI in 2022.

Enumerative geometry and topology have a long history of exchange of ideas, fruitful for both domains. At the turn of the century, these topics were revolutionized through ideas of theoretical physics which have led to deep interactions with various fields of mathematics such as symplectic and tropical geometries, integrable systems, representation theory, category theory etc. The aim of this conference is to present a number of most recent contributions with a special emphasis to real, and so called open, versions of Gromov-Witten invariants, as well as to tropical, motivic and probabilistic aspects of enumerative geometry.

Invited speakers 

Saugata Basu • Purdue University
Thomas Blomme • Université de Genève
Pierrick Bousseau • ETHZ
Erwan Brugallé • Université de Nantes
Renzo Cavalieri • Colorado State University
Xujia Chen • Stony Brook University
László Fehér • Eotvos University
Sergey Finashin • METU
*Lothar Göttsche • ICTP
Antonio Lerario • SISSA
Hannah Markwig • Universität Tübingen

Grigory Mikhalkin • Université de Genève
Jesse Leo Kass • University of South Carolina
Johannes Nicaise • Imperial College
Stepan Orevkov • MIAN and Université Paul Sabatier
*Kevin Purbhoo • University of Waterloo
Rares Rasdeaconu • Vanderbilt University
Johannes Rau • Universidad de los Andes
Sara Tukachinsky • Tel Aviv University
Kirsten Wickelgren • Duke University
*Aleksey Zinger • Stony Brook University

*=to be confirmed  


  • Ilia Itenberg, Sorbonne University
  • Viatcheslav Kharlamov, Université de Strasbourg

Institutions participating in the organization of the event

The event is supported by a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation, agreements 075-15-2019-1619 and 075-15-2019-1620, and by a grant from Simons Foundation.

Participants of the conference "On the Crossroad of Topology and Enumerative Geometry"
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