On a sufficient condition for the existence of unconditional bases of reproducing kernels in Fock type spaces with nonradial weights

5 Jul 2023, 14:30


Konstsntin Isaev


We consider Fock type spaces, the spaces $\mathcal F_{\varphi}$ of entire functions $f$ such that $fe^{-\varphi}\in L_2(\mathbb C)$, where $\varphi$ is a subharmonic function. We have obtained new su?cient conditions for the existence of unconditional bases of reproducing kernels (or Riesz bases of normalized
reproducing kernels) in Fock type spaces with nonradial weights. The issue on existence of unconditional bases of reproducing kernels is actively studied due to the fact, in particular, that this question is closely related to such classical problems of complex analysis as the problem of representing of functions by exponential series and the problem of interpolation by entire functions.

Primary authors

Konstsntin Isaev Mr Rinad Yulmukhametov (Institute of Mathematics, Ufa Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Mathematics UFRC RAS)) Mrs Anastasia Lutsenko (Ufa University of Science and Technology)

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