Calderón-Mityagin and Arazy-Cwikel type interpolation properties for quasi-Banach spaces

6 Jul 2023, 11:10


Sergei Astashkin (Samara National Research University)


We plan to discuss some recent results (see [1-3]) related to Calderón-Mityagin and Arazy-Cwikel interpolation properties in the class of quasi-Banach spaces. As an example, we will consider the classical family of couples $(\ell^{p},\ell^{q})$, $0 \le p < q \le \infty$, focusing on an identification of interpolation orbits of elements with respect to such a couple for any $p$ and $q$, $0 \le p

[1] S.V. Astashkin, M. Cwikel and P.G. Nilsson, Arazy-Cwikel and Calderón-Mityagin type properties of the couples $(\ell^p, \ell^q)$, $0\le p < q \le \infty$, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (2022).

[2] S.V. Astashkin and P.G. Nilsson, Arazy-Cwikel property for quasi-Banach couples, Positivity 26 (2022), no.4, paper no. 72.

[3] S.V. Astashkin and P.G. Nilsson, A description of interpolation spaces for quasi-Banach couples by real $K$-method, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. 117 (2023), paper no. 35.

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