24-26 May 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

Friends in Partial Differential Equations

The conference is dedicated to the 90th birthday of outstanding mathematician Nina N. Uraltseva


This meeting will be held as online event on 24-26.05.2024.

Only invited talks are included in the conference programme.

The records of the talks are available at https://www.mathnet.ru/php/conference.phtml?confid=2424&option_lang=rus

Invited Speakers (confirmed):

  • Arina Arkhipova (St. Petersburg State U)
  • Vladimir Bobkov (Ufa Federal Research Centre RAS)
  • Nikolai Filonov (PDMI RAS)
  • Nikolai Krylov (U Minnesota)
  • Ari Laptev (Imperial College London)
  • Giuseppe R. Mingione (U Parma)
  • Roberta Musina (U Udine)
  • Dian Palagachev (Politecnico di Bari)
  • Evgeny Panov (Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State U)
  • Andrey Piatnitski (Kharkevich Institute RAS & Arctic U of Norway)
  • Konstantinas Pileckas (U Vilnus)
  • Gregory Seregin (U Oxford & PDMI RAS)
  • Henrik Shahgholian (KTH)
  • Boyan Sirakov (PUC-Rio)
  • Alexander Skubachevskii (RUDN U)
  • Sergei Tikhomirov (PUC-Rio)
  • Georg Weiss (U Duisburg Essen)

Young Researchers:

  • Nikita Rastegaev (PDMI RAS)
  • Alexander Poretskii (St. Petersburg State U)
  • Ekaterina Zlobina (St. Petersburg State U)

Organizing Committee

Darya Apushkinskaya apushkinskaya(at)gmail(dot)com
Alexander Nazarov al(dot)il(dot)nazarov(at)gmail(dot)com
