12-16 July 2021
Europe/Moscow timezone

Participant List

39 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
Abramyan Semen HSE University, Skoltech
Arzhantsev Ivan HSE University
Avdeev Roman HSE University
Ayzenberg Anton Higher School of Economics
Berezhnoy Andrey Lomonosov MSU
Bilich Boris HSE University
Chistopolskaya Alisa NRU HSE
Feigin Evgeny HSE & Skoltech
Gaifullin Sergey MSU and HSE
Garazha Alexandra MSU
Grigoriev Dima CNRS, France
Gubarev Vsevolod Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Ignatev Mikhail Samara National Research University
Kolesnikov Pavel Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Kuyumzhiyan Karine National Research University Higher School of Economics
Lavrenov Andrei EIMI
Panov Taras Moscow State University
Perepechko Alexander IITP RAS (primary). MIPT; HSE (secondary)
Petukhov Alexey Vladimirovich Institute for Information Transmission Problems
Prokhorov Yuri Steklov Mathematical Institute (Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова Российской академии наук, Москва)
Samokhin Alexander IITP RAS
Shafarevich Anton Moscow State University/Higher School of Economics
Shakhmatov Kirill Lomonosov MSU, HSE University
Shramov Constantin Steklov Mathematical Institute
Sinchuk Sergey Saint-Petersburg State University
Smirnov Evgeny HSE University
Stasenko Roman Lomonosov Moscow State University
Stavrova Anastasia St. Petersburg State University
Stukopin Vladimir Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Surkov Matvey Samara National Research University
Taroyan Grigory NRU HSE
Timashev Dmitry Lomonosov Moscow State University
Trushin Anton Moscow State University
Vavilov Nikolai St Petersburg State University
Venchakov Mikhail Samara National Research University
Zaitseva Yulia HSE University
Zheglov Alexander Lomonosov Moscow State University
Zolotarev Egor St. Petersburg State University
Петров Виктор СПбГУ, ПОМИ РАН