Polynomial approximation in a convex domain in $\mathbb{C}^n$ which is exponentially decreasing inside the domain

1 Jul 2021, 17:40


Nikolai Shirokov (St.-Petersburg State University and National Research University High School of Economics in SPb)


Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{C}^n$, $n\ge 2$, be a bounded convex domain with the $C^2$-smooth boundary. We suppose that $\Omega$ satisfies some properties. The strictly convex in the analytical sense domains satisfy those properties. It is proved that for any function $f$ holomorphic is $\Omega$ and smooth in $\bar{\Omega}$ there exist polynomials $P_N$, $\deg P_N\leq N$ such that $\bigl|f(z)-P_N(z)\bigr|$ has the polynomial decay for $z\in \partial\Omega$ and the exponential decay when $z$ lies strictly inside $\Omega$.

Primary author

Nikolai Shirokov (St.-Petersburg State University and National Research University High School of Economics in SPb)

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