”Analysis Day” on the occasion of 80-th anniversary of Nikolai Nikolski

July 5, 2020

Joint event with University of Bordeaux

10:30 10:50 S.Kislyakov

 Introductory word

 11:00   11:45  A.Bonami

 Inequalities involving Hardy spaces of Musielak type

12:20 13:05 K.Seip

 Contractive inequalities for Hardy spaces

15:00 15:45 V.Peller

 Completely bounded Schur multipliers of Schatten-von Neumann class $S_p, 0 < p < 1$.

15:55 16:40 A.Poltoratski

 Pointwise convergence of scattering data

17:15 18:00 A.Volberg

 Orthogonality in Banach spaces

18:10 18:55  E.Malinnikova 

 Landis’ conjecture on the decay of solutions to Schrödinger equations on the plane

* The schedule is given in St. Petersburg time; the time in Paris is -1 hour. 

Participants of 30th St.Petersburg Summer Meeting in Mathemacical Analysis are welcome to participate in the event, connection details will be announced later via email. 

Abstracts and other information can be found here.