On the Fourier-Laplace transform of functionals on a space of ultradifferentiable functions on a convex compact

4 Jul 2021, 12:25


Il'dar Musin (Institute of Mathematics with Computer Centre of Ufa Scientific Centre of RAS)


Classes of ultradifferentiable functions are classically defined by imposing growth conditions on the derivatives of the functions. Following this approach we consider a Fr\'echet-Schwartz space of infinitely differentiable functions on a closure of a bounded convex domain of multidimensional real space with uniform bounds on their partial derivatives. The main aim is to obtain Paley-Wiener-Schwartz type theorem connecting properties of linear continuous functionals on this space with the behaviour of their Fourier-Laplace transforms. Very similar problems were considered by M. Neymark, B.A. Taylor, M. Langenbruch, A.V. Abanin. Also some applications of this theorem to PDE and their systems will be given.

Primary author

Il'dar Musin (Institute of Mathematics with Computer Centre of Ufa Scientific Centre of RAS)

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