Boundedness of Bergman projections on homogeneous Siegel domains

3 Jul 2021, 16:10


Marco Peloso (Università degli Studi di Milano)


In this talk I will discuss the problem of boundedness of the Bergman projection on Bergman spaces on homogeneous Siegel domains of Type II. It was shown that in the case of tube domains over symmetric cone, that is, symmetric Siegel domains of Type I, the Bergman projection $P$ may be bounded even if the operator $P_+$, having as integral kernel the modulus of the Bergman kernel, is unbounded. I will describe what is known in this case and then discuss the case of homogeneous Siegel domains of Type II. I will discuss equivalent conditions, such as characterization of boundary values, duality, Hardy-type inequalities. This is a report on joint work with M. Calzi.

Primary author

Marco Peloso (Università degli Studi di Milano)

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